
The Virgin Post: a Tribute to Descartes

This is my very first post. After months--no, years--of browsing and lurking, I finally braced myself to start my own blog. Someone (a seasoned blogger, I suppose) said that you've got to make sure you have something interesting and of value for people to read, before you even think of creating your own blog. Someone else (a frustrated writer, I presume) said that you have the right to express yourself (yes, even anonymously, you cowards) anytime anywhere anyhow. Both of them got a point... as for "having something interesting and of value" to write, well, I've spent many a night reading and watching stuff on the Net... from headline news to political rants to funny animal videos to celeb gossips to save-the-planet campaigns to personal written abuse in "comments" section between people who don't even know each other... lots of them are uninteresting and even more of them have no value whatsoever... yet they manage to keep me glued to the screen (or is it just me?). So, dear Rene, as you said five centuries ago, "cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am)... dare I now say, "blogito, ergo sum" (I blog, therefore I am)?