
The (Secret) Life of Plant

Visiting Starbucks @ Oakwood. Having my usual hazelnut latte. Chatting with my friend. Going to the toilet. Doing my stuff. Gazing absentmindedly at the lone orchid plant at the corner, right in front of the toilet bowl. Leaving the toilet. Going back to my table.

Did just that on several visits there. Never gave that plant a second thought. But one time, as I gazed at the plant, I thought, "Imagine life as THIS plant over here..." Is it a real plant to begin with? I touched its leaf, and its flower. Its smooth velvety purple petals. It's real. A real, living plant. Growing silently there in a pot, at the corner of a Starbucks toilet, right in front of the toilet bowl. Watching toilet-visitors' face day in day out. Observing their various behaviors. Smelling the various toilet smells. Hearing the various toilet sounds. What kind of a life would that be? 

I just can't take my mind off that solitary orchid.

I try to imagine what the orchid might possibly be thinking.

"Ooh, here comes another guy who can't aim his device properly... splashing all over the floor and stinking the whole place. I wonder what they teach these male humans about point-and-shoot skills? And I'm not talking Sony CyberShot here!"

"Oops. This one's had bad milk, seems like. He seems to be in pain. There he goes again. Yuck. This one stinks big time. Oh my."

"Why is this girl talking on her phone, here? Is she escaping someone? What is she talking about? Ooh... that's her boyfriend on the line. I bet she hangs out here with her other boyfriend... jeez, I wish I could speak! Hey, big guy! Listen here! Your girlfriend's cheating! She's not here with Nina and Trisha! She's here with another guy! Helloooo. You lovestruck fool, you..."

"Boy poops and fails to wash hands afterwards. Must notify Mom. Dirty little brat. Oooh, don't you dare touch my leaves! Shoo. Shoo. No no nooo, DON'T TOUCH ME! Aaargh!"

"Ooh... hot chick. Look at those delicious legs. No. Wait... why is she standing there facing the toilet bowl? What's she doing... whoooaa... is that a cock?!! Damn... she's a GUY!!!"

If only the plant gets interviewed, I'm sure its insights would prove to be as intriguing as Sigmund Freud's.

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