
Drinking Quotes :)

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading - Henny Youngman

Verdict: true. 
Proof: with a bunch of good friends in a hip cozy bar sipping Cosmopolitan or Bellini or Apple Martini, after a hard day at work, or a lazy Saturday, or even any so-so day. Mood gradually lifted until reaching the point of cheerful contentment (you're contented but not silent, because everyone's chatting and laughing and you just have to do the same thing) or poised euphoria (you're euphoric but still have to carry yourself with dignity and poise).

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy - Benjamin Franklin

Verdict: true.
Proof: with a bunch of schoolmates during grad study, after a day of grueling exams or dreadful project. Dinner is seafood, scattered on the table and picked by hand, dipped in various yummy sauces. The beer is chilled to perfection, the atmosphere slightly rowdy, the chat slightly out-of-control, the laughter loud and hearty. 

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day - Frank Sinatra

Verdict: true.
Proof: see previous post... might lead to some moments of comfortable silence, which is so totally fine.

Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough - Mark Twain

Verdict: not quite true.
Proof: with friends or hot date, you'll be better off staying in that twilight zone of 'comfortable' and 'friendly' and 'just slightly tipsy'. There's nothing less sexy than walking out of a bar completely wasted, supported by a bunch of equally inebriated buddies (or, worse yet, a sober date).

Thank God It's Friday :)

My idea of a great date? 

When we both have worked hard Monday to Friday. Agree to meet at a new, seemingly very cozy place for cocktails and dinner. Be there on time, still in our business wear, straight from the office. Say hi, give light kiss on the cheeks, genuinely happy to see each other. Realize that the place is fully reserved, laugh, and decide to perch on the bar. Who cares? As long as we're together, we're fine. Talk about what happened today. Order favorite drink immediately (draft beer for him, Cosmopolitan for me). Order escargots for starters. Talk about some mutual friends. Talk about current issues in the country (as if we care). Talk about Anthony Bourdain's book. Make a toast and take a first sip (damn, the Cosmopolitan's good!) Study the menu and cannot decide just yet. Start chatting again. Make a joke on a solitary egg lying among lemons and mint leaves. Scan the surrounding and enjoy the atmosphere. Joke some more, this time on ourselves. Make up our minds about dinner (tenderloin and lamb shank). Talk some more. Discuss what Helen Mirren's character said in National Treasure (adrenaline + tequila = dangerous). Feel sorry for people who have to stand and wait for a table. Decide on second drink. Take first bite when food arrive, then feed each other. Savor the delicious chunks of lamb, the buttery beauty of mushroom sauce, the smooth mashed potatoes, the delicate baby string beans. Steal each other's food. Eat slowly, finish the whole dish, and laugh at each other's empty plate. Drink some more. Talk some more. Get warmer and cozier by the minute. Talk and tease and flirt. Joke and laugh. Think, "Life is good." and say so. He agrees. Finish our drinks. Walk to the car. End the date with pecks on the cheek... still think of how fun it was and how great we felt, so make a phonecall just to say so. The feeling is mutual, and so is that happy, contented grin on our face by the time we got home. 

This is a perfect way to end a hectic, oh-my-God-the-deadline-is-4-pm working week.

To my favorite date: you know who you are *wink*


Falling In Love With Earth All Over Again...

... thanks to that gorgeous BBC documentary. Naturally, it's titled "Earth", and was released to commemorate Earth Day (22 April). In collaboration with Medco Foundation and WWF. Part of ticket sales is being contributed to WWF's conservation program. All's nice and well, but there's a nagging feeling of, "Is that enough?"... if we really want to save our planet, that is.

The movie itself is simply amazing. The sheer cuteness and fluffiness of polar bear cubs and duck chicks. The grace of humpback whales and seals underwater. 

My movie buddy commented that it was just like watching an extended and remixed version of a National Geographic episode. But he loved it nonetheless (although he did yawn several times during the show... maybe the voice of Patrick Stewart felt like lullaby to him). Well, National Geographic or no, I love that movie... it's great that there are some brilliant people out there who dedicate their lives to making this kind of movie, documentary, feature film or whatchamacallit... reminding the rest of us of the grandness of it all: our planet and everything in it; the solar system; the galaxy; the whole universe... and the Supreme Being who created them all. 

I am captivated, fascinated, and humbled by this movie. Kudos to the people who made it happen... and let's make everyday an Earth Day.

Working It Out - Part I

I was on a treadmill next to the RPM/spinning class, i.e. a class where 10 people sit on a stationary bike (one each, mind you) and spin like crazy for an hour, under the guidance of an instructor, to the beat of >180 BPM house-trance-jungle-hiphop combo. 

Couldn't help but ponder why people could be so addicted to this particular thing. Yup, they say it's burning like 1.000 calories per hour, but I don't see people really noticeably getting slim from a daily dose of RPM regime. Frankly, it looks more like torture halfway down the session. When they're spinning hard (I don't know what they call it, but it's when you're supposed to spin as if a team of Predators and Aliens are chasing you... after they work out their dispute, that is). Those spinners. They spin, they pant, they sweat, they huff and puff until they're red in the face... and guess what: they're loving it. There's something masochistic about it. These hardcore gym enthusiasts. There's pride in "hurting themselves at the gym". They will proudly wear their aching limbs and sore muscles to work the next day (especially after that 1st class of RPM, oh sweet God it hurt) claiming, "Yeah, I guess I overdid it at the gym yesterday." and some of their colleague(s) would have that "wow" look on their face. Other, more seasoned colleagues though, would simply give a knowing look and think, "You'd kill yourself trying to impress people, you stupid masochistic brag."

While soreness could be one sign that you've really exercised your muscles (hopefully the right ones), it's not wise to use it as your sole indicator of success. Because your body will eventually adapt itself, and you'd not be content with your workout unless you wake up the next morning aching and whimpering and limping... barely able to lift your arms to shampoo yourself in the shower :( 

That said, I still--and will always--appreciate those faithful gym freaks, masochistic or no. It's just interesting to observe the different species within the gym ecosystem, each with their characteristics and behavior... as for me, just give me an hour of cardio training every morning, and yoga 3-4 times a week, and I would die happy (and healthy) 


My Right to Brag...

I'm going to use my right to brag today. A good friend read this blog and texted me, "Hey, that's nice... makes me want to start my own blog!" (well, there's a "good friend factor" there, I admit... I don't think he'd tell me frankly if he hated my blog... but still, as a rookie in blogging, that gave me a boost of confidence) I'm not even sure what to write at times. It's not a daily journal (because my daily journal is truly extensive and is intended for my eyes only), it's not a blog dedicated to commenting on other people (read: celebrities), it's not meant to be a forum for sharing with families and friends living in other country, either. So, I'm not gonna define my blog. Because, "to define something is to limit it" (who said that? Don't remember) 

To A., thanks for being one of the first readers of this blog, and thus one of my first supporters :) 

Oh, if you want to check out a blog dedicated to commenting on (Indonesian) celebrities, go check Who Do You Think He Are... damn, it's really bitchy *grin* 

Doraemon, read this and weep!

Tote bags. Shoulder bags. Clutch bags. Kelly bags. You guys may not understand, but girls surely speak this language. It's called Handbagese. On 4 May, I was toting one of my most spacious bags. A carry-all, I think they call it. Because it can carry all stuff that you want to bring in one day. It's black patent leather. Fittingly enough, I went to a shopping mall in South Jakarta to (what else?) dine, have coffee, watch movie, etc. Let's conduct a small experiment to prove whether the term "carry-all" is not an exaggeration, shall we?

Let's see what I managed to fit into said bag upon leaving home:
- wallet
- make-up pouch
- cell phone
- 2 small notebooks (of the manual sort, not laptops)
- pen
- sunglasses
- tube of body lotion

Now let's review the contents at around 8 PM (in addition to original contents):
- 3 Japanese comics
- 3 boxes of fancy Band Aids
- bag of french fries (bought as takeout)
- box of tamarind drink
- can of Sprite (won at game arcade)
- 4 large marbles (also won at game arcade)

So, it can be safely concluded that mine is indeed a "carry-all"... in fact, I could still fit some more stuff in it, but didn't (otherwise it must be called a "carry-all with broken shoulder strap"... which will really frustrate me). Ha. Doraemon, read this and weep! 


5 Acts in the Life of a Middle-class Family

A common scene in the life of a middle-class family (I live in Jakarta, by the way), and the venue was Blitzmegaplex (yes, that place where I got bitten by a red ant while watching a movie), one cozy Saturday afternoon.

Act 1
Father walks into waiting room pushing empty stroller. Two small boys in tow. Let's call them Son #1 and Son #2. Two women walk in several minutes later (one of them is mother of the kids, the other might be her younger sister playing good auntie.... or both of them wives? Very unlikely) one is carrying a little girl toddler, the other one pushing another stroller containing another boy, let's call him Son #3. Everyone sits down, puts food and drinks on the table, and waits...

Act 2
Father absentmindedly munches on hotdog while Son #1 and Son #2 fight over french fries. Son #1 starts yelling at Son #2, in an attempt to prevent #2 from "stealing" his fries. Mother shushed him by darting him an evil look and saying something threatening. Auntie barks at Son #1 as well. Mother then turns to Daughter, who's obviously being considered (and treated like) an angel, compared to the rather demonic sons.

Act 3
Son #1 screams something at nothing and nobody in particular, loud enough to shake Father out of his hotdog-induced catatonia. Father shoots evil look at son, and points finger in a menacing gesture. Not a pleasant kind of attention, but it's some kind of attention nonetheless. Better than nothing, thinks Son #1.

Act 4
Son #2, probably jealous at the attention and tender-loving-care being poured upon angelic sister (a.k.a Daughter), steps closer, and smacks her on the face. This causes a huge commotion as every adult in the group barks at Son #2, and tries to console angelic Daughter, who begins to wail very loudly. Mother slaps Son #2's head, to emphasize her disapproval of son's misbehavior. Son #1 looks on, contentedly, from his seat... silently eating his fries. 

Act 5
Father, now munching on popcorn, leans back and lets Mother and Auntie remedy the situation. Slowly he falls into a popcorn-induced paralysis... pondering over his fate as paterfamilia of this hectic group of people... wondering whether the four kids will wreak havoc later in the movie theater... "damn, the popcorn's good"... whatever...


Atonement: When Life Isn't Fair

What has a red ant got to do with atonement? Well, I got bitten by a red ant while watching the movie Atonement... I wonder how a high-end cinema like Blitz could be "infested" with fire ants, which so totally ruins my so-called "unforgettable movie experience" (it was unforgettable alright, because there's a red itchy bump on my finger because of it)... but that's not the point.

Atonement. The most imagination-inducing, gut-wrenching movie since City of Angels. Remember that one? I was already imagining them--the fallen angel and the doctor--as an exciting, happy-ever-after couple living a passionate life... when the doctor was killed in a kind of freak accident and the fallen angel was left roaming this world as a mere mortal... and a single one, at that. If you don't like Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan, who starred in this flick, don't think about them. Think about the story. I used to joke that the moral of this story is, "Don't close your eyes and take your hands off the steering handle when you're riding your bicycle at high speed in the mountains." but my friend, who was rendered completely grief-stricken by this movie, hated me for it. Well, okay, I had to agree: it IS quite a beautiful love story.

Now. About Atonement (spoiler alert: if you haven't seen the movie or read the book, you might want to stop reading this post). It left me thinking which parts of the story were real, and which parts were mere fruits of Briony's wild imagination--in her desperate attempt for atonement. As if the story's not gut-wrenching enough, a friend of mine gave a comment that went like this: "So, the moral of the story is: if you're a good person, you get slandered by your lover's little sister, sent to prison, and die a gruesome death in war; and if you're a lying, ruthless, wildly dirty-minded teenager, you can send a good person to his death, get to live until you're 80, and become a famous author writing about the hell you've caused in other people's life"... talking about fairness. Some say "life ain't fair, honey" but this story is a blatant example. I still have to read the book, by the way. I usually think it's a crime to watch a book-based movie before I actually read the book, but well, anyways... there's still time for "atonement" (pun intended).