
Falling In Love With Earth All Over Again...

... thanks to that gorgeous BBC documentary. Naturally, it's titled "Earth", and was released to commemorate Earth Day (22 April). In collaboration with Medco Foundation and WWF. Part of ticket sales is being contributed to WWF's conservation program. All's nice and well, but there's a nagging feeling of, "Is that enough?"... if we really want to save our planet, that is.

The movie itself is simply amazing. The sheer cuteness and fluffiness of polar bear cubs and duck chicks. The grace of humpback whales and seals underwater. 

My movie buddy commented that it was just like watching an extended and remixed version of a National Geographic episode. But he loved it nonetheless (although he did yawn several times during the show... maybe the voice of Patrick Stewart felt like lullaby to him). Well, National Geographic or no, I love that movie... it's great that there are some brilliant people out there who dedicate their lives to making this kind of movie, documentary, feature film or whatchamacallit... reminding the rest of us of the grandness of it all: our planet and everything in it; the solar system; the galaxy; the whole universe... and the Supreme Being who created them all. 

I am captivated, fascinated, and humbled by this movie. Kudos to the people who made it happen... and let's make everyday an Earth Day.

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