
Working It Out - Part I

I was on a treadmill next to the RPM/spinning class, i.e. a class where 10 people sit on a stationary bike (one each, mind you) and spin like crazy for an hour, under the guidance of an instructor, to the beat of >180 BPM house-trance-jungle-hiphop combo. 

Couldn't help but ponder why people could be so addicted to this particular thing. Yup, they say it's burning like 1.000 calories per hour, but I don't see people really noticeably getting slim from a daily dose of RPM regime. Frankly, it looks more like torture halfway down the session. When they're spinning hard (I don't know what they call it, but it's when you're supposed to spin as if a team of Predators and Aliens are chasing you... after they work out their dispute, that is). Those spinners. They spin, they pant, they sweat, they huff and puff until they're red in the face... and guess what: they're loving it. There's something masochistic about it. These hardcore gym enthusiasts. There's pride in "hurting themselves at the gym". They will proudly wear their aching limbs and sore muscles to work the next day (especially after that 1st class of RPM, oh sweet God it hurt) claiming, "Yeah, I guess I overdid it at the gym yesterday." and some of their colleague(s) would have that "wow" look on their face. Other, more seasoned colleagues though, would simply give a knowing look and think, "You'd kill yourself trying to impress people, you stupid masochistic brag."

While soreness could be one sign that you've really exercised your muscles (hopefully the right ones), it's not wise to use it as your sole indicator of success. Because your body will eventually adapt itself, and you'd not be content with your workout unless you wake up the next morning aching and whimpering and limping... barely able to lift your arms to shampoo yourself in the shower :( 

That said, I still--and will always--appreciate those faithful gym freaks, masochistic or no. It's just interesting to observe the different species within the gym ecosystem, each with their characteristics and behavior... as for me, just give me an hour of cardio training every morning, and yoga 3-4 times a week, and I would die happy (and healthy) 

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