
Doraemon, read this and weep!

Tote bags. Shoulder bags. Clutch bags. Kelly bags. You guys may not understand, but girls surely speak this language. It's called Handbagese. On 4 May, I was toting one of my most spacious bags. A carry-all, I think they call it. Because it can carry all stuff that you want to bring in one day. It's black patent leather. Fittingly enough, I went to a shopping mall in South Jakarta to (what else?) dine, have coffee, watch movie, etc. Let's conduct a small experiment to prove whether the term "carry-all" is not an exaggeration, shall we?

Let's see what I managed to fit into said bag upon leaving home:
- wallet
- make-up pouch
- cell phone
- 2 small notebooks (of the manual sort, not laptops)
- pen
- sunglasses
- tube of body lotion

Now let's review the contents at around 8 PM (in addition to original contents):
- 3 Japanese comics
- 3 boxes of fancy Band Aids
- bag of french fries (bought as takeout)
- box of tamarind drink
- can of Sprite (won at game arcade)
- 4 large marbles (also won at game arcade)

So, it can be safely concluded that mine is indeed a "carry-all"... in fact, I could still fit some more stuff in it, but didn't (otherwise it must be called a "carry-all with broken shoulder strap"... which will really frustrate me). Ha. Doraemon, read this and weep! 

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