
The Type-B Diaries, Part 2

Okayyy... I've just had a tall hazelnut latte (with extra shot of espresso) and now I'm completely alert, if not jumpy. At 9.30 PM. Which is fine, because I have to work on a document tonight, and I need all the energy and alertness that I can muster. At least until midnight *grin*

Let's see... it's Day 6 of my Type B Thingy... and I've been quite consistent so far. Mutton and beef instead of chicken. Small amounts of white rice. Carrot and broccoli. Mandarin oranges. French fries (yes yes yes reduce fried food). Coffee (of course). And... a lick of mint ice cream this afternoon. I swear it's just a lick. Just a dot. Maybe the size of an M&M's. And believe you me, being able to resist an ice cream temptation was an achievement of HUGE magnitude. Me, the Ice Cream Monster! Woohoo! 

Moving right along.

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